Libra Season + Horoscopes 2023

    Libra Season + Horoscopes 2023


    Libra season horoscopes are here! Ruled by Venus…we love to hear what you’re loving at Birthdate Co.!

    Our Resident Astrologer, Erin Sunday, writes these horoscopes based on your Sun and Rising/Ascendant sign. Don’t know your Rising Sign? The Birthdate Book can help!

    Aries ✧ 

    This season is a big one for your partnerships, Aries. The energy is high and your challenge is, as ever, to assess the opportunities that are worth diving into head first. The biggest moment of the season arrives with the New Moon Eclipse in your opposite sign of Libra. Pay close attention to the events around October 14th, as it’s just the beginning of a lesson around release for you.

    Taurus ✧

    Supporting others is the prime way that you support yourself, Taurus, and this season puts those values on center stage. Just remember to fill your own cup first. There’s a New Moon eclipse on October 14th that will highlight how you’ve been serving others, perhaps to your detriment. Now is the time to take care of yourself and remember what you need to truly feel healthy day to day.

    Gemini ✧ 

    It’s a flirty season for you, Gemini, and whether that’s with other people or your own creativity is up to you. Notice how your unique visions get interpreted at large. The New Moon Eclipse in Libra will remind you of your wildest proclivities, and perhaps encourage you to release something unique out into the world. Notice how people respond to your hot takes.

    Cancer ✧ 

    Things are shifting around your favorite place this season, Cancer. Home is still where the heart is, but it’s also where you’re learning to loosen the reins. That sentiment will ring especially true around October 14th, when we welcome the New Moon Eclipse in Libra. You’re making changes on the homefront, and the shifts will be potent around this time. Don’t be afraid to donate things you once loved.

    Leo ✧ 

    Your neighborhood looks a little different this season, Leo, because you’re releasing outdated notions. Notice how your daily life reflects your new values, and vice versa. The New Moon Eclipse on October 14th might encourage you to speak up in a new way. Doing so will restore balance to your life, and ultimately lead to a transformation of your life’s philosophies. Pay attention to the messages.

    Virgo ✧ 

    Your physical resources are a place of sanctuary for you, Virgo, and this season has you counting each beautiful penny. Sharing them begets more harmony. The Libra New Moon Eclipse will expand on this energy, and perhaps remind you that letting go of a tight budget can actually serve you in the long-run. If any surprising financial happenings unfold around this date, know that they’re part of a bigger, unfolding story.

    Libra ✧ 

    Your birthday season is definitely going to come with some fireworks this year, Libra. You’re learning to let go, though, and witnessing the magic in doing so. The biggest moment of your season includes an Eclipse in your home sign…ushering in some major changes in your life. When you’re asked to release, trust that if you can without fighting- balance will be restored.

    Scorpio ✧ 

    Rest is a birthright, Scorpio, and this season reminds you to step away from the action once in a while. Pay close attention to what your intuition is guiding you to do next. The whispers of our soul don’t always make sense in a linear way, but around October 14th, you’ll be tasked with listening anyway. The New Moon Eclipse in Libra is likely to send messages through your dreams- keep a journal.

    Sagittarius ✧ 

    Your friendships are changing, Sagittarius, as you’ve gained a clearer understanding of the groups you’re part of and why. Shout your beliefs unapologetically this season. While it’s important to voice your opinions, though, make sure you’re also listening to others. This is especially important around October 14th with the New Moon Eclipse in Libra. If what you’re saying is challenged, don’t be afraid to hear new perspectives.

    Capricorn ✧ 

    You’re on public display this season, Capricorn, and there may be a few unexpected happenings. You’re a peacekeeper at work, but ensure that includes your own. The New Moon Eclipse in Libra will make the office a hotbed of activity- so it’s best to have an open schedule if you can. Notice where partnerships come into play, and how they do or don’t serve your professional trajectory.

    Aquarius ✧ 

    Beautiful ideas are a dime a dozen for you this season, Aquarius, but how you’ll integrate them is the real test. Let go of any preconceived notions and stay open. The New Moon Eclipse on October 14th in the same area of your chart will be asking you to witness new ideas about the world. Whether from a physical trip or a journey in the astral realm, your life’s philosophies are ready to evolve.

    Pisces ✧ 

    You’re in a major period of transition this season, Pisces, and you’ll intuitively know where to go next. Be patient with the process and make peace through release. Going with the flow is a quality you’re known for, and that trait will be especially important around October 14th with the arrival of the New Moon Eclipse in Libra. If your partnerships need to change, let them change like the tides.



    Erin River Sunday is the Resident Astrologer for Birthdate Co., you can find more info on her here.



    Keywords: Balance, Beauty, Harmony, Love 

  • Planetary/Luminary ruler: Venus
  • Modality: Cardinal
  • Element: Air
  • Symbol: The Scales 
  • Famous Archetypes: Kim Kardashian, Donald Glover, Bella Hadid, Gwyneth Paltrow

    Libra season, above all, asks us to prioritize the harmonics of two. Coinciding with the fall equinox, donning extra layers mimics our reliance on outside forces to bring us home to ourselves.

     Libra energy is ruled by Venus and seems to sweeten everything it touches with a spoonful of honey. Love and beauty herald most of our pursuits this season, with balance being the ultimate integral key to happiness. Rather than being selfish, this season values harmony, intellectualizing, and love being our greatest treasure. 

    There is a refreshed validity to pairs of all kinds at this time- but remember that Libra rules our friendships and close business partnerships, too, not just our spouses. Emphasis should be paid to flowing communication within all relationships, especially because of heightened eclipse energy. 

    Libra season 2023 requires a mirror- but not purely for aesthetics. It’s mostly to remember the importance of reflection...and that everything isn’t always as it appears.  

    Journal prompts to connect with Libra energy:

    1. How has my style evolved this year? 
    2. Who brings balance to my life?
    3. When do I feel most beautiful?

     In addition to all the regular Libra season stuff, 2023 features some specific standout moments… 

    2023 Libra Season Highlights

      • Saturday, September 23rd: Sun enters Libra
      • Friday, September 29th: Full Moon in Aries
      • Wednesday, October 4th: Mercury enters Libra
      • Sunday, October 8th: Venus enters Virgo
      • Tuesday, October 10th: Pluto stations direct
      • Thursday, October 12th: Mars enters Scorpio
      • Saturday, October 14th: New Moon Eclipse in Libra
      • Sunday, October 22nd: Mercury enters Scorpio

    If you'd like to dig a bit deeper and are familiar with your birth chart, check out which house Libra rules. That's where your energy will be focused throughout Libra season! And if you're unfamiliar with your chart but curious to learn more, we’ve got a book for that.

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