Guide to your Tarot Candle
You are exactly where you're meant to be. Read along to experience all that your Tarot Candle has to offer.
Guide to your Tarot Candle
You are exactly where you're meant to be. Read along to experience all that your Tarot Candle has to offer.
How to Use
Recommended Ritual
Reflection Prompts
🎴 Tarot Charm Interpretations 🎴
Card 0: The Fool
Card 1: The Magician
Card 2: The High Priestess
Card 3: The Empress
Card 4: The Emperor
Card 5: The Hierophant
Card 6: The Lovers
Card 7: The Chariot
Card 8: Strength
Card 9: The Hermit
Card 10: Wheel of Fortune
Card 11: Justice
Card 12: The Hanged Man
Card 13: Death
Card 14: Temperance
Card 15: The Devil
Card 16: The Tower
Card 17: The Star
Card 18: The Moon
Card 19: The Sun
Card 20: Judgement