What To Ask for Your Birthday: A Complete Guide to Birthdate Gifts

What To Ask for Your Birthday: A Complete Guide to Birthdate Gifts

One of the hardest things to do, especially as you get older, is having an answer when someone asks you what you want for your birthday. As adults, we tend to just go out and buy what we want. There’s also an element of not wanting to seem greedy or unappreciative.

We’re here to help you change all that! When you get asked what you want for your birthday, it’s because your friends and family really care about you. So, the next time you wonder what to ask for for your birthday, Birthdate Co. is here to help. 

How To Brainstorm Birthday Gifts

Unsure where to start with coming up with a list of birthday gifts? Learning what to ask for for your birthday starts with learning how to brainstorm effectively. 

Start by thinking about your hobbies. What do you like to do for fun? What are you really into? From there, dive into what supplies you might need to do that hobby. 

Paints and canvases, for instance, are always a great gift idea! Or is there a hobby that you’ve always wanted to try, but have been hesitant to try? It’s ok to ask for supplies for those, too!

All of our suggestions for birthday gift ideas hinge around finding something that would add to your life but that you may be unlikely to buy for yourself. Giving someone a gift is a way to show them how much you care, so allow them to do that for you! After all, that’s the real point of gift-giving.

And remember, just because you ask for something doesn’t mean that they have to get it for you. A birthday gift list is really just a wish list, allowing you to ask for anything that you want. It’s not a requirement for your loved ones, so let go of the guilt and go for it. 

Physical Gifts

The first category of gifts that you can ask for on your birthday is “physical” gifts. 

Physical gifts include things that you can use or put around the house. This is a huge category of ideas, so we’ve tried to condense it into a few specific subcategories to help you brainstorm a little bit more thoroughly. 

Electronic Gifts

With how much technology has encroached on our lives, whether we want it to or not, electronic gifts make great ideas—especially for the bigger occasions. 

This can be anything from a new laptop or tablet to accessories that you can use with your electronics. Laptop bags, phone cases, speakers, and headphones are also great choices, especially if you’ve been looking at them but have been afraid or unable to commit. 

If you’ve been saving up for a new computer but feel uncomfortable putting that on your list, consider asking for a gift card instead. If you have multiple people buying gifts for you, asking for gift cards in smaller amounts can help you reach your goal without feeling like you’re asking for too much. 


Jewelry has a history that spans back more than 25,00 years. With a staying power that long, there’s got to be a good reason behind it, right?

Jewelry is one of the best gifts to put on your birthday list. There are so many options, so you don’t have to feel like you’re asking for anything too expensive. Necklaces, bracelets, rings, and anklets don’t have to be expensive to be meaningful. And you don’t have to feel bad about asking for them if they’re something that you really want. 

Cooking Gifts

Do you love to cook? 

Asking for gifts that can help you increase your repertoire and skill in the kitchen is another great idea. The even better part about these gift ideas is that there are so many different things that you can ask for. 

Do you love to bake? Cook? Think of what you could use to help make those things easier for you and put them on your list.

A few suggestions include pots and pans, kitchen appliances like food processors or blenders, exotic spices (saffron, vanilla bean), or even just kitchen tools like spatulas and mixing bowls. 

You could even ask for ways that you can grow your own herbs! Nothing is better than cooking with ingredients that you’ve grown yourself. Plus, you can share all of that with the people who got them for you. 

Astrology Gifts

If you’re into astrology and wondering how you can turn that into an answer to what to ask for for your birthday, we have the solution.

Our first option is one of our Birthdate Candles. There is a candle for every single day of the year, each featuring a different, unique fragrance meant to bring out the specific spirit of that day. 

The outside of the jar is full of insight, taken from astrology, numerology, and tarot. They are as beautiful as they are special, and can be used for years to come even after the wax has burned down. 

Our other option is our Birthdate Book. The book gives you access to even more insight, personalized using your natal chart. Taking into account the placement of the sun, moon, and other important things like planets and certain stars, we create a 70-page detailed astrological analysis into who you are. 

Not only that, but our insight can give you a way to look at both your advantages and your vulnerabilities so that you can move forward into the rest of your life with a greater sense of purpose and clarity. 

Both of these make excellent birthday gifts, not only because they take your actual birthday into account but also because they are ways to honor the uniqueness that is present in all of us. 

Sports Gifts

Do you love sports? Sports-themed birthday gifts are also a great addition to any list. 

One of the best parts about sports gifts is that they come in a huge range of different price options so that you can ask for gifts in any price range. 

If you’re looking for a bigger sports gift, ask for a jersey of your favorite player or even tickets to a game. If you don’t want to go that big, you can ask for t-shirts, hats, or even keychains! 

It’s a great way to show off your love for the sport without having to feel bad about asking for something that may cost hundreds of dollars. 


And finally, clothes! 

What was probably something you were less than excited to get as a gift when you were younger is much more exciting as an adult. Our style is a way for us to truly express who we are and what we’re about, so asking for clothes as a birthday gift is a great way to help you do that.

Don’t stop at shirts and pants, though. Consider shoes, jackets, purses, and even fun socks. Think of what you could use, while also giving your gifter something fun to purchase for you.

Experience Gifts

The second category of what to ask for for your birthday gifts is “experience” gifts. 

Experience gifts are things that you can ask for that involve going somewhere or doing something as opposed to opening a physical gift. While this may sound vague, it’ll make sense.

Think of concert tickets, for example. Asking for a concert ticket as a birthday gift is a great idea! Is there an artist that you’ve always wanted to see, but didn’t want to drop the money on yourself? Or a band that’s playing locally that is your absolute favorite? 

Asking for tickets to see them, especially if you take the person giving them to you, is a great way to get an experience instead of something that will sit on a shelf forever. 

Trips are also great experience gifts. These don’t have to be huge trips, either—maybe a night away at a fancy hotel in the city and a nice dinner at a restaurant you’ve always wanted to dine at. Even just camping for the weekend can make a great way to get a birthday gift that you can also share with your loved ones. 

One final birthday gift idea is asking for a massage or a spa day. If you know that you need to relax, but you also know that you’re not the best at it, having someone get you a gift certificate can help encourage you to take better care of yourself. 

Massage is excellent for you, so you’ll be able to get a little bit of mental and physical relaxation time without having to feel guilty about it. 

In Summary

Wondering what to ask for for your birthday? Not sure where to start? Hopefully, we’ve helped you at least brainstorm a little better about what to add to your list. Remember, when someone is asking you what you want for your birthday, they’re really saying that they care about you. This is a friendly reminder from all of us here at Birthdate Co. that you are important and you are worth it. Asking for what you really want for your birthday isn’t selfish or greedy, it’s respecting that the people who love you want to give you something you’ll love. It’s just that simple.  


The Real Point of Gift-Giving | Harvard Business Review 

Early History of Jewelry: Ancient Times to the 17th Century | IGS 

Massage: Get in touch with its many benefits | Mayo Clinic

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