Scorpio Season 2024

    Scorpio season horoscopes are here! Ruled by Pluto…we hope they’ll tap into your deepest desires (and we love to read how Birthdate Co. helps set the mood)!

    Scorpio Season: October 23rd - November 21st


    Our Resident Astrologer, Erin Sunday, writes these horoscopes based on your Sun and Rising/Ascendant sign. Don’t know your Rising Sign? The Birthdate Book can help!

    Aries ✧ 

    You’re being asked to let go this season, Aries. If you’re feeling stuck, try learning about other cultures or stretching your creative muscles. By the time Venus enters Capricorn on November 11th, your career will get graced with a spoonful of honey— so take advantage of the opportunities coming your way.

    Taurus ✧

    If anyone can make a balancing act more beautiful Taurus, it’s you. This season is all about reconciling your own deep wants and desires with those of your partners. Your ruling planet, Venus, will enter Capricorn on November 11th and you might want to pack your bags. If you can’t get away just yet, start daydreaming about your next trip.

    Gemini ✧ 

    You’re ready to get back into healthy routines, Gemini, and this season is encouraging you to take action. Whether your day-to-day work life is being transformed drastically or with many small details— pay attention to the shifts. Mercury, your ruling planet, enters your opposite sign of Gemini on November 2nd. When in doubt, chat it out with a close friend or lover. There are many listening ears available.

    Cancer ✧ 

    It’s an especially creative time of year for you, Cancer, so listen closely to the calls of your muses. Particularly around the New Moon on November 2nd, tap into your intuition and feel where you’re being called. Your actions might feel challenged by others temporarily, but trusting yourself is what’s most important. The Full Moon in Taurus on November 15th will center your friends, so leave your social calendar open.

    Leo ✧ 

    You’re focused on the home front this season, Leo, and no one can stop you from diving deep into the nooks and crannies of your family history. Mars enters your home sign on November 3rd and begins a new chapter of personal desire. Pay close attention to what you’re called to pursue around these dates— this story is just getting started. 

    Virgo ✧ 

    Communication is the name of the game this season, Virgo, and the conversations you’re having will go deep. Notice what’s being said- and what isn’t. Your ruling planet, Mercury, enters expansive Sagittarius on November 2nd and will likely have you preoccupied with home and family. You might need to be a cheerleader for loved ones over the coming weeks. 

    Libra ✧ 

    Deciding what you value and why will be your biggest lesson of this Scorpio season, Libra. It’s time to get brutally honest about your allocation of resources. Your ruling planet, Venus, enters Capricorn on November 11th and will grace your home front with extra coziness. Make time for family and if you’re considering a renovation, don’t hesitate to get started.

    Scorpio ✧ 

    Happy birthday, Scorpio! You’re no stranger to intensity and this is your time to lean in. Your ruling planet, Mars, makes a big jump into Leo on November 3rd and will have you fired up in a new way. Because of an upcoming retrograde, pay close attention to what’s happening with your career these days. There’s a much bigger evolving story here, so direct your energy with an intention of longevity. 

    Sagittarius ✧ 

    Everything is bigger when it comes to you, Sagittarius, but this Scorpio season will have you expanding your capacity to recharge. Mercury will enter your home sign on November 2nd, though, so know you have access to a soap box over the coming weeks. If you have something important to share, people will be ready to listen when you’re ready.

    Capricorn ✧ 

    Everyone needs time to act like a kid again Capricorn…even you. This season asks you to embrace the communities that help you to enjoy the occasional playdate- and that will hold your secrets safe. Your ruling planet, Saturn, will station direct in Pisces on November 15th. Notice the days around this date and how long term plans seem to be solidifying— or dissolving. What’s meant to go the distance always will.

    Aquarius ✧ 

    You’re laser focused on career matters this season, Aquarius, and it stands to be a productive time. You’re finishing up a major chapter in your belief systems, perhaps related to where you live and where you travel— and those journeys will continue to inform your work. Pluto will return to your home sign on November 19th and settle in for a couple decades worth of major transformation. Buckle up and stay in your power. 

    Pisces ✧ 

    This Scorpio season is set to be a great teacher for you, Pisces. Whether you’re enrolled in traditional studies or not, notice what you’re learning from life around you. Saturn will station direct in your home sign on November 15th and it’s a noteworthy moment in your journey. Contemplate how lessons of maturity have continued to find you lately— and take stock of where there’s still room to grow.

    Erin River Sunday is the Resident Astrologer for Birthdate Co., you can find more info on her here

    A little more about Scorpio Season

    Keywords: Rebirth, Control, Decay, Depth, Desire, Secrets

    • Planetary/Luminary ruler: Pluto, Mars
    • Modality: Fixed
    • Element: Water
    • Symbol: The Scorpion
    • Famous Archetypes: Pablo Picasso, Whoopi Goldberg, Bill Gates, Kendall Jenner

    Scorpio has a commanding reputation and for good reason. Traditionally ruled by Mars, and in modern astrology ruled by Pluto…power and control are hallmarks of this energy. There is an unmistakable intensity every year around this time- the niceties and peace keeping of Libra season will be tossed out for potentially ugly truths.

    All of us are now beginning to tap into our most visceral desires, consciously or otherwise. It’s important to ask yourself what you’re craving and the means by which you’re willing to acquire it. 

    This Scorpio Season we will also endure the final moments of Pluto in Capricorn, with Pluto departing the Sea Goat for the final time in our lifetime on November 19th. We’re closing chapters over these several weeks that will never be opened again.

    Vulnerability and shadow work are two very magical terms during Scorpio season. As part of the water element in astrology, Scorpio understands the shadow profoundly but can come up short when it’s protective of its own in spite of others.

    Practicing vulnerability, instead of solely expecting others to bare their souls, is important now.

    Journal prompts to connect with Scorpio energy:
    1. When was the last time you felt out of control? Why?
    2. How do you process endings?

    3. What is something you’re ready to change?

    In addition to all the regular Scorpio season stuff, 2024 features some specific standout moments…

    2024 Scorpio Season Highlights

      • Tuesday, October 22nd: Sun enters Scorpio
      • Friday, November 1st: Scorpio New Moon
      • Saturday, November 2nd: Mercury enters Sagittarius
      • Sunday, November 3rd: Juno enters Scorpio
      • Sunday, November 3rd: Mars enters Leo
      • Monday, November 11th: Venus enters Capricorn
      • Friday, November 15th: Saturn stations Direct
      • Friday, November 15th: Taurus Full Moon
      • Tuesday, November 19th: Pluto re-enters Aquarius

    If you'd like to dig a bit deeper and are familiar with your birth chart, check out which house Scorpio rules. That's where your energy will be focused throughout Scorpio season! And if you're unfamiliar with your chart but curious to learn more, we’ve got a book for that.

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