Sagittarius Season 2024

    Sagittarius season horoscopes are here! Ruled by Jupiter…we hope they’ll remind you of how expansive life can be (and how our products help you reach for the stars!)


    Our Lead Astrologer, Erin River Sunday, writes these horoscopes based on your Sun and Rising/Ascendant sign. Don’t know your Rising Sign? The Birthdate Book can help!


    Sagittarius season is asking you where you’re headed for your next adventure! But hold your horses, Aries, because there are a couple retrogrades to contend with this season as well. Mercury stations retrograde on November 25th and Mars, your planetary ruler, stations retrograde on December 6th. The Mars retrograde, specifically, will be a several month period of slowing down for you. Bulldozing ahead in your typical fashion simply won’t work right now. Instead. T, take time to rethink your motivations and become crystal clear on what drives you.


    Sagittarius season is fiery which can be challenging for your traditionally slower pace. However, this year, there’s also a Mercury and Mars retrograde to contend with…making things a lot less gung ho than usual. Mercury will station retrograde on November 25th and highlight things that you thought were over, maybe not being quite finished yet. If you have to circle back to close some loops, take it in stride. 


    It’s around this time of year, every year, that your attention becomes focused on your partnerships, Gemini, and this time is no different. Sagittarius season for you is all about the one on one connections in your life, and this one will feature a Mercury retrograde in the same area.. If wires get crossed communicating with one (or more!) people that you love, trust that this moment is temporary. Mars will also station retrograde on December 6th and begin to cause a stir in your local community. If you have siblings, this could also be a testy period for them to navigate where you may be needed for support.


    You’re arguably the most reflective sign in the zodiac, Cancer, and while Sagittarius season is rarely known to be nostalgic– this season features some rearview mirror astrology. Mercury stations retrograde in Sagittarius on November 25th, and Mars stations retrograde in Leo on December 6th. Contending with two retrogrades at the same time is no joke, and you will feel the Mars retrograde personally once it returns to your home sign. These energies are nothing to fear and should instead be viewed as an end of year opportunity to revisit what’s working, and what isn’t, in your finances and personal wellbeing. It’s time to revisit how your daily habits are informing your values.


    It’s a fun loving time of year for you, Leo, as Sagittarius energy lights up your inner-child and creativity…cornerstones of your personality. This season, however, that lighthearted energy is also coupled with a Mercury retrograde. You’re likely to be reflecting on your muses and might be revisiting some brilliant ideas that have started to collect dust. And just a couple weeks later on December 6th, Mars stations retrograde in your home sign– signaling a doubling down on reflective energy. Now is not the time to rush ahead, but rather an opportunity to ponder what truly makes you, you.


    Your ruling planet, Mercury, will retrograde this season…but that’s just one of many important happenings for you right now, Virgo! This season has you preoccupied with the home front and, because of Mercury’s backwards trajectory, you might be rethinking ideas around your root systems. Mars will also station retrograde on December 6th, and remind you that it’s important to rest. You might be needing more alone time than usual this holiday season, so don’t hesitate to take it when you get the chance.


    This Sagittarius season features both a Mercury and Mars retrograde in addition to your ruling planet, Venus, changing signs. Overall, you’re focused on your local community and daily happenings, but should expect a few delays with the retrograde energy. It’s a reflective time to think about how you’re moving through the world and reconnect with people you might’ve gotten busy and forgotten. When Venus enters Aquarius on December 7th, everyone will start feeling a lot more social– just the way you like it!


    Simply put, your mind is on your money this season, Scorpio. Although…there’s not much “simple” to be found in the astrology overall the next several weeks! The major highlight for you will be your ruling planet, Mars, stationing retrograde on December 6th. Mars retrogrades every two years and is a period of reviewing and reflection, rather than rushing ahead. Because it’s happening at the end of the year, it’s a nice reminder to slow down,  rather than chase.


    It’s your season, Sagittarius, and there will definitely be no shortage of attention coming your way. Mercury steals the show from the very beginning, stationing retrograde in your home sign on November 25th. Mars follows suit on December 6th and things start to slow down in a major way. The end of the year is already a reflective time, and the planetary energy is doubling down on the idea of release. Think about where you’ve been, and where you’re going, and what you’ve been learning from all of it.


    This Sagittarius season is one for the record books, Capricorn. We will not only face a Mercury retrograde, but also a Mars retrograde. Lucky for you, neither is happening in your personal sign– so you might not be feeling it as intensely as others. Perhaps less luckily for you, Mars will oppose Pluto in your home sign several times, ramping up the energy for change and causing possible battles of the wills. The main things to focus on this season are rest and solitude. Sagittarius energy, for you, highlights the ability to work behind the scenes and find expanse when you’re out of the spotlight. Keep your dream journal handy and pay attention to any recurring themes in your subconscious. 


    The end of the year is festive for many, but can be an equally difficult time for others. That’s never been more true than this year’s Sagttiarus season, as Mercury will station retrograde on November 25th and Mars will follow suit on December 6th. Rather than ideating on the world ahead, as you prefer, the next several months are about reflecting…particularly in your one on one partnerships.


    While Sagittarius, fire energy, is seemingly quite different than your own watery depths…this season is ruled by Jupiter– which is also your traditional ruler. Translation? Sagittarius season is all about expansion, and that’s something you inherently understand, too. There are multiple retrogrades to contend with, both Mercury and Mars, but there’s still optimism in the air. Rather than trying to push ahead towards new frontiers now, you’re better served by doing what you do best: reflecting. Particularly in your career, 

    Erin River Sunday is the Lead Astrologer for Birthdate Co., you can find more info on her here

    A little more about Sagittarius Season

    Keywords: Expansion, Travel, Philosophy, Humor, Luck

    • Planetary/Luminary ruler: Jupiter
    • Modality: Mutable
    • Triplicity (Element): Fire
    • Symbol: The Archer
    • Famous Archetypes: Taylor Swift, Brad Pitt, Zoë Kravitz, Britney Spears

    Happy Sagittarius season! We’re now moving from the deep, emotionally intense, and secretive (eclipse!) spaces of this year's powerful Scorpio season to a more expansive and optimistic playground.

    While neither is better than the other, just different, we’ll likely be feeling more lighthearted over the coming weeks...just in time for the holiday season!

    The epitome of Sagittarius energy is your globe-trotting friend that loves to share hilarious stories and isn’t afraid to ruffle a few feathers. They’re independent, spontaneous, spiritual, and always down for a good time.

    We’ll all be tapping into our adventurous and fun-loving sides this season and can look forward to newfound expanse and hope for the future.

    As any Jupiter ruled Sagittarius can attest, there are plenty of things to be thankful for- this season and always!

    Journal prompts to connect with Sagittarius energy:

    1. Have you had any beliefs challenged this year? Why?
    2. What are you curious about right now?
    3. What are you most hopeful for in 2025?

    In addition to all the regular Sagittarius season stuff, 2023 features some specific standout moments…

    2024 Sagittarius Season Highlights

      • November 22nd: Last Quarter Moon in Virgo
      • November 25th: Mercury Stations Retrograde in Sagittarius
      • December 1st: New Moon in Sagittarius
      • December 6th: Mars stations Retrograde in Leo
      • December 7th: Venus enters Aquarius
      • December 7th: Neptune stations Direct
      • December 8th: First Quarter Moon in Pisces
      • December 15th: Full Moon in Gemini
      • December 15th: Mercury stations Direct

    If you'd like to dig a bit deeper and are familiar with your birth chart, check out which house Sagittarius rules. That's where your energy will be focused throughout Sagittarius season! And if you're unfamiliar with your chart but curious to learn more, we’ve got a book for that.

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