Pisces season horoscopes are here! Ruled by Neptune…we hope they’ll help you transcend reality for a while (and we love to hear how Birthdate Co. makes the mundane a bit more magical!)
Our Lead Astrologer, Erin River Sunday, writes these horoscopes based on your Sun and Rising/Ascendant sign. Don’t know your Rising Sign? The Birthdate Book can help!
Aries ✧
March is a big month inside of a very big year for you and Pisces season is really where your wheels start turning. Your ruling planet, Mars, finally stations direct on February 23rd. It’s likely that your 2025 got off to a much slower start than you’d prefer, but it’s time to regain regular speed. Next up is a New Moon in Pisces landing in your 12th house of behind the scenes work. Pay close attention to your dreams around February 27th and tune into your intuition. If nothing else, commit to resting when you need it! Then Venus stations retrograde in your home sign on March 1st– and you might feel like everyone is coming out of the woodwork to get in touch (including people you might wish would stay away). The Full Moon eclipse in Virgo on March 14th will have your health and daily routines in the spotlight and finally Mercury stations retrograde in your home sign March 15th. Buckle up for big changes starting now.
Taurus ✧
This season is a mix of activity with friends and escaping to recharge alone. Your ruling planet, Venus, will station retrograde just a few days after Mars FINALLY stations direct. So while in some ways you’re ready to move forward…you’re also preparing for an underworld journey that might have you looking back. Mars stations direct February 23rd and that’s definitely something to celebrate! The New Moon in Pisces on February 27th lands right between Mars moving forward and Venus moving backward, so if you’re hoping to manifest something, especially related to your community, now is the time. March 1st is when Venus retrograde begins in Aries and you might be busy with something behind the scenes. While this period has the potential to be frustrating for your health, it’s not happening by accident…and it’s temporary! The Full Moon eclipse in Virgo lands on March 14th– let your creativity surprise you.
Gemini ✧
Your career is the highlight of this season for you, and will be throughout the year thanks to eclipses. But before we get there, Mars stations direct on February 23rd. Finally, any money frustrations or crossed wires around town will begin to straighten out. You’re likely to have more energy available for your friends and your daily routines, too. If you’re making any big plans for your work life, know that February 27th is an ideal New Moon for you to manifest that next promotion. It might not land exactly how you planned it, though, as Venus stations retrograde on March 1st. For the next 40 days and 40 nights, you’re set to be preoccupied with creative projects taking shape behind the scenes. Nurture what feels good and wait for any flashy announcements until April if you can. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo will light up your home life and any work/life balance that needs to be righted.
Cancer ✧
Mars stations direct in your home sign on February 23rd, signaling a major shift in momentum for everyone, but especially you. If you’ve felt a lack of traction over the past several months– now you’re getting ready for high gear. The New Moon in Pisces a few days later marks a nice moment to align with your beliefs– and put any future travel plans you’re dreaming of into motion. Be on the lookout for changes in your social circles and homefront once Venus stations retrograde on March 1st. You might have old friends reach out from the past and even people coming to visit. On top of all that, there’s a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14th, signaling big news in conversations you’re having around town. Mercury stations retrograde the very next day, though– so don’t jump to conclusions.
Leo ✧
Mars stations direct in Cancer on February 23rd– a major reason for celebration! You’ve been unpacking how your unconscious feelings influence your identity for several months and are now ready to move forward with what you’ve learned. You’ll likely still be working behind the scenes for a while, but you’ll feel a major shift in momentum. There’s a lovely Pisces New Moon a few days later on February 27th, and it’s ripe for money manifestations. Focus on calling in your dream collaborations. Unfortunately, there’s still one big retrograde looming, and that’s Venus stationing retrograde on March 1st. Your career and finances are the major focus– witness what’s changing and stay rooted in your values (which might be evolving). If that wasn’t enough, there’s a Full Moon Eclipse on March 14th and Mercury stations retrograde the next day. Allow yourself to release this season, and be ready for big changes in accessible resources.
Virgo ✧
Eclipse season begins in a matter of weeks and kicks off a year of big changes for you. First up is Mars stationing direct on February 23rd. This will activate your house of friendship and community, so it’s a great time to reconnect with your favorite people. There’s a beautiful New Moon in your opposite house of Pisces on February 27th, and it marks an opportunity to manifest your dream partnership(s). Notice what’s happening around you on this day and if anyone is catching your eye. Venus will station retrograde just a few days later, continuing a possibly very activated time in your love life. People might come back from the past– but use discernment if you want them in your future. Finally, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your home sign arrives on March 14th. This is a very big deal for you and will usher in a couple weeks of shifts you might’ve not seen coming. Trust the process.
Libra ✧
Your ruling planet, Venus, stations retrograde this season– so you’re definitely in for some shifts. But first, Mars stations direct on February 23rd, and that’s something we can all be excited about! You’ve been grinding away at your career for many months now, and likely meeting new connections because of it. If things felt tough pushing forward, ease will slowly start to return now. The New Moon in Pisces arriving February 27th is an opportune time to rework your systems for the rest of the year ahead. What worked since last December, and what do you need to take off your plate? Venus stations retrograde on March 1st and the following 40 days and nights are likely to bring some old suitors back around the bend. Remember that you don’t have to entertain everyone that wants your attention! But if they are worthy, work on ensuring your relationship has newfound balance this go around.
Scorpio ✧
Your ruling planet, Mars, FINALLY stations direct on February 23rd, and it’s a moment worthy of celebration. Since back in December, your typical “get up and go” energy has been majorly stalled, and by the end of the month you’re gearing up for forward momentum again. This energy is useful for the New Moon in Pisces, too, which arrives on February 27th. Happening a few days before Venus goes retrograde, it’s an opportune time to tap into your creative muses and see where they want to lead you. When Venus stations retrograde on March 1st, pay attention to how your partnerships evolve over the following 40 days and nights. Your creativity (and possibly romantic life!) are lighting you up in entirely new ways– and it might take a revisit to the past to find that spark that’s calling. Finally, the Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo arrives on March 14th and it’s a moment of pruning in your collectives. Align with the people that make your heart felt held.
Sagittarius ✧
You like to do things big and this season is no exception– with eclipses lighting up very important areas of your life. The first news, though, arrives with Mars stationing direct on February 23rd. If the beginning of 2025 has felt sluggish, trust that this marks the beginning of the shift in energy. Next up is the Pisces New Moon, a great time for a fresh start on the homefront. If there’s something you’re hoping to achieve in your inner world (literally or figuratively) address those root structures around this time and call in what you’d like to manifest. Venus stations retrograde on March 1st, sending us all into the underworld of our value systems for 40 days and 40 nights. Luckily, you love an adventure and this one will focus on your creativity at home. It might not be time to renovate the whole house, but notice what you’re drawn to change and make plans for later in the Spring.
Capricorn ✧
Mars finally stations direct on February 23rd and you're set to start feeling the support from other people that might have felt lacking the past several months. Your relationships have been a hotbed of activity and now you can move forward with everything that had to be rehashed. The New Moon in Pisces on February 27th is a busy one for you– make the time to get out in your neighborhood and have conversations with people around town. A few days later, Venus begins her retrograde cycle on March 1st. It’s no one's favorite time, but it’s one that is set to teach us all a lot. For you, it’s centered around where you live and your local engagements. You might be rethinking your home life– from where you physically live to your relationships with any cohabitants. Stay open to learning different ways of doing things– but don’t commit to anything permanently until Taurus season (mid April).
Aquarius ✧
Your mind is on your money this season, Aquarius, and while there might be a few unexpected twists and turns in the road– you’re setting yourself up for longterm success. Mars stations direct in Cancer on February 23rd and your daily habits and health finally feel less sluggish. You likely had to revisit what makes you feel supported day to day, and those lessons will start to support you moving forward. The New Moon in Pisces on February 27th will be a moment to write down the numbers you’d like to see in the bank, or at least what feeling financially supported will feel like to you. Venus stations retrograde on March 1st, and your relationship to finances continues to evolve throughout the month. Center your values, rather than the finish line, and you can’t go wrong. Finally, the Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo arrives on March 14th and support from other people might surprise you. Appreciate your symbiotic relationships.
Pisces ✧
It’s your season, Pisces, and it’s action packed. Mars stations direct in Cancer on February 23rd– a major reason for celebration! You’ve been unpacking your daily habits and creative energy for several months and are now ready to move forward with what you’ve learned. Then the New Moon in your home sign arrives on February 27th, marking a beautiful time for a fresh beginning. Venus stations retrograde just a few days later, though, so prepare to revisit your values throughout March. As Venus will trek through your home sign through part of her backwards journey, notice how your style especially might be evolving (experiment, but try not to make permanent changes till the second half of April). If that wasn’t enough, there’s a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your opposite sign on March 14th, and Mercury retrograde begins the next day. Buckle up for big changes this birthday season!
Erin River Sunday is the Lead Astrologer for Birthdate Co., you can find more info on her here.
Keywords: Transcendence, Intuition, Completion, Empathy, Escapism
- Planetary/Luminary ruler: Modern: Neptune, Traditional: Jupiter
- Modality: Mutable
- Triplicity (Element): Water
- Symbol: The Fish
- Famous Archetypes: Rhianna, Justin Bieber, Alan Rickman, Elliot Page
Pisces is ready to help us transcend everything external and tune back into our inner realms. And, this year, it’s combined almost the entire time with a Venus Retrograde (not to mention a couple eclipses) through Aries and Pisces, so it’s even more about release work and CHANGE than usual!
Before we can enter the next phase of our lives, we must drift away into the liminal space of our subconscious and let go of the relationship dynamics that are no longer serving us.
While it’s impossible to process everything right now, we can process a lot more than we probably give ourselves credit for...because we can do hard things! Pisces knows that, because while it’s just one thing, it’s also ALL the things. It’s the last zodiac sign and has experienced a little taste of every single energy before it. It’s neither here nor there…it’s everywhere.
We celebrate the New Year on January 1st, but astrologically, we begin our new yearly cycle on March 21st.
So if you feel like you’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but you know you’re just not quite there yet, that’s perfectly normal. As is any other feeling you might be experiencing! This season is just about acknowledging all of it.
The high vibe expression of Pisces finds ways to integrate that “higher mind” with the real world rather than trying to leave it. Virgo is the other sign on the Pisces axis, so if you feel yourself drifting too far away...MAKE A LIST to come back down to Earth.
Positive manifestations of this energy: Meditation, Yin Yoga, Hypnosis, Reiki, Tarot
We’re now swimming in the ending in anticipation of the beginning...a beginning that feels strangely familiar. If nothing else, practice gratitude for your life vest(s) that keep you afloat.
Journal prompts to connect with Pisces energy:
How do I tend to escape reality? Is there a healthier way?
What was the last dream I remembered? Are there metaphors that could relate to waking life?
When do I exhibit people pleasing behavior? Why would it be beneficial to release these habits?
In addition to all the regular Pisces season stuff, 2025 features some specific standout moments…
2025 Pisces Season Highlights
Tuesday, February 18th: Sun enters Pisces
Wednesday, February 19th: Juno enters Sagittarius
Sunday, February 23rd: Mars stations Direct
Thursday, February 27th: New Moon in Pisces
Saturday, March 1st: Venus stations retrograde
Monday, March 3rd: Mercury enters Aries
Friday, March 14th: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
Saturday, March 15th: Mercury stations Retrograde in Aries
If you'd like to dig a bit deeper and are familiar with your birth chart, check out which house Pisces rules. That's where your energy will be focused throughout Pisces season! And if you're unfamiliar with your chart but curious to learn more, we’ve got a book for that.

The Birthdate Candle
A candle crafted for the day you were born
We combined astrology, numerology, and tarot to create 365 beautiful candles — one for every birthdate. Each candle and has a fragrance carefully designed to enliven your spirit.