SIGN: Pisces
PLANETARY RULER: Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Aries
DATE: Monday, February 20th, 2023
TIME: 2:06 am EST
This New Moon is all about getting serious about your dreams. When one door closes another is likely to open, and this lunation begs the question, how will you move forward in a way that aligns with your destiny?
Because this New Moon is just separating from a conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius, it’s a beautiful moment to set practical intentions, and they’re likely to include boundaries as a necessary piece of the puzzle. Think about where you’d like to be six months from now, and write down some realistic steps you could take to make it happen.
Pisces is also the sign of the collective unconscious, so it’s an ideal time to pay close attention to your intuition. Notice any dreams you have around this date, and meditate on them to try and uncover what they could be telling you about what you truly desire. We’re all likely to be letting things go now, and preparing for a fresh new start. Don’t ignore the whispers of what your soul is ready to begin.
Make a note of the corresponding Pisces Full Moon that will happen on August 30th, 2023. This is the time you’ll really see the seeds planted now coming into bloom.
The mutable signs (Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius) will feel this New Moon most intensely.

The Birthdate Candle
A candle crafted for the day you were born
We combined astrology, numerology, and tarot to create 365 beautiful candles — one for every birthdate. Each candle and has a fragrance carefully designed to enliven your spirit.