Capricorn Season Horoscopes

Capricorn Season Horoscopes

Capricorn season horoscopes are here! Ruled by Saturn…we hope they’ll encourage supportive reality checks (and we always love to hear about Birthdate Co. IRL with you!)

Capricorn Season: December 22 - January 19

Our Lead Astrologer, Erin River Sunday, writes these horoscopes based on your Sun and Rising/Ascendant sign. Don’t know your Rising Sign? The Birthdate Book can help!

Aries ✧ 

It’s the ultimate “work hard, play hard” season for you, Aries, and that sounds like music to your ears. If you notice you’re spending too much time at the office though, schedule in time to let off some steam. An ideal day to set some boundaries when it comes to work/life balance would be December 23rd. The Capricorn New Moon will light up your career sector and encourage saying “no” with confidence. Think about the relationship you want with your job in 2023 and plant the seeds that you want to nurture. Mercury will be retrograde in this area of your chart beginning on December 29th, so remember to take all your ideating with a grain of salt. Review the year before jumping ahead and know that work will have more forward momentum come mid-January. 

Taurus ✧

Are you traveling for the holidays, sweet Taurus? Whether you’re braving the airport to go visit loved ones, or just getting lost in a new non-fiction, you’re ready to be transported this season. Your planetary ruler, Venus, will enter Aquarius on January 2nd and your attention will shift to career matters. You’ll have a busy start to the year at the office, but watch out for miscommunications because Mercury will be retrograde. You’re likely to be revisiting your beliefs over the coming weeks, and possibly changing your mind about the structures that support (or hinder) them. The start of the year is not an ideal time for travel- so see if you can explore in other ways. The Full Moon on January 6th will illuminate your local community, so if you’re experiencing growing pains…reach out to the people that are always in your corner.

Gemini ✧ 

This season always seems to bring endings your way…but when one door closes, you’ll be good at finding another that’s ready to open. If you notice your knocks going unanswered, vulnerability is the key. The Capricorn New Moon on December 23rd is a powerful day to commit to deep healing. It’s rarely easy for you to dive deep with people (or even yourself) but this lunation wants you to go there. Creating a framework to confront your demons will serve you, but know that it won’t happen overnight. Mercury will station retrograde in this area of your chart, so these shadow dances will require repetition. That’s ok! Be open to learning, and relearning, the steps. The Full Moon in Cancer on January 6th will highlight what you value. Take the time over the coming weeks to decidedly ask yourself why. 

Cancer ✧ 

Your intimate relationships come into sharp focus every year around this time, Cancer, and this season they’re being cast in a rosy glow. If disagreements do happen, know that it’s an opportunity to re-write the script. Venus entering Aquarius on January 2nd will encourage this process, and you’ll have better luck with shared resources. Instead of a painful process, you’ll understand that vulnerability makes room for new beginnings. The Full Moon on January 6th lands in your home sign and will remind you of how you’re showing up in the world. Because Mercury stations retrograde the week before, however, know that this isn’t the entire story. Take your time the first couple weeks of the new year to reflect on what brought you and your committed partnerships to this pass. 

Leo ✧ 

Organization becomes you this season, Leo. You’re getting all your ducks in a row and preparing for the flashiest of flashy years ahead. You’ve come so far already and the work will continue to pay off. If you have yet to feel this organizational fire, December 23rd is the perfect moment to inspire yourself. Break out the magazines and glitter and create a vision board that will make you want to wake up in the morning. Another moment to look forward to? Venus enters Aquarius on January 2nd and your committed partnerships get a welcomed dose of sweetness. With Saturn in this area of your life for the past couple of years…this should feel like a nice reprieve in your love life. Mercury will also station retrograde this season, so take your time with the day-to-day tasks. Slow down and appreciate the little things- Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Virgo ✧ 

You aren’t always thought of as overtly flirty, Virgo, but this season you’re effortlessly turning heads! While you might gravitate toward self-containment, open up to the people and possibilities wanting to co-create. There’s a New Moon in this area of your life on December 23rd, so it’s a great night for a first date…or recreating one! If you’re single and not looking to mingle, use this as an opportunity to start a new creative project. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, just a seed planted that you will commit to watering. The Full Moon in Cancer on January 6th is an especially social one for you, so get out and light up the town! You’re likely to be fielding invites from several different friends. Just remember Mercury will be retrograde during this time, so wires could get crossed. Triple check those suggestive texts before hitting send!

Libra ✧ 

The idea of home isn’t everyone’s most expansive frontier, Libra, and that’s ok. While you might feel restricted by your roots in some ways, notice the bright spots this season. Cuddle up with those you love and celebrate your chosen family. The Capricorn New Moon on December 23rd is a beautiful moment to initiate this healing towards your lineage. Find a photo of an ancestor and place it on your altar, or write a story from your Great-Grandmother’s perspective. Because Mercury will retrograde in the same area of your chart, it’s time to retell the stories of your history. This heavy work won’t last forever as your ruling planet, Venus, enters Aquarius on January 2nd and lightens the load at home significantly. Is that a new love interest on the horizon? Flirty exchanges and creative inspiration will abound in the new year. 

Scorpio ✧ 

People learn lessons in many different ways, Scorpio, and for you…a lot of those ways hit close to home. Your siblings and local community are in the spotlight this season and it’s time to dial in on what they’re teaching you. Mercury will station retrograde in this area of your chart on January 29th, so an old friend, or several, could find their way back onto your scene. They say you’re a compilation of the five people you spend the most time around, so now might be a time to reevaluate your company. When Venus enters Aquarius on January 2nd, you’re remembering the sweetness of home- or the people that feel like it. By the time Mars stations direct on January 12th, your ability to get things done will return to its regular power, and by the time Mercury stations direct on January 18th, you’ll have a refreshed understanding of where to direct it.

Sagittarius ✧ 

Money is the name of the game this season, Sagittarius. Reflect on your holiday spending and if your values proved to align with your bank statements. Otherwise, it could be time to start manifesting an accountant. Mercury stations retrograde in the financial sector of your chart on December 29th, so don’t rush to any half-baked conclusions about your bottom line just yet. Use the first couple weeks of 2023 to reassess your spending and possibly edit contracts involving support from others. Outside resources will come into a sharper focus with the Full Moon in Cancer on January 6th. You might not love the reality just yet, but continue talking it out until you do. Your task this season is to speak up for who and what you value. The pot will be that much sweeter when you do.

Capricorn ✧ 

You’re feeling yourself this season, Capricorn, and it’s your time to shine. Remember to balance carefree birthday celebrations with relentless working hours. You’re allowed to let loose and relax! The ultimate fresh start for you arrives on December 23rd, with a New Moon in your home sign. Sit with yourself and truly imagine the “you” that you want to be in 2023. Dream it up, then write it down. This lunation is fertile soil for manifesting the life you most want to be leading. There will also be a Mercury Retrograde to contend with, though, so as ever…be patient. You’re likely reworking your entire self-concept now, and that’s worth delicate attention to detail. The Full Moon in your opposite sign of Cancer on January 6th will remind you of the people in your corner throughout this process. They’re bright mirrors for your own becoming.  

Aquarius ✧ 

Hermit mode is something we all need sometimes, Aquarius, and this season is your time to turn inward. Retreating isn’t always the easiest for you…but rest will serve to illuminate the answers you’re seeking. Chances are good that you’re reworking your relationship to escapism in all forms now. You might find that the way you’ve been “tuning out” hasn’t been as supportive as it could be. December 23rd is an opportunity to create the framework that will allow you to turn down the noise outside…and raise the volume inside. This practice will be greatly improved come January 2nd, when Venus enters your home sign. You’ll be freshly attuned to what makes you feel good in your physical state, and whatever doesn’t will fall away. Your key to feeling good this season is to drift away from public life and get reacquainted with your inner knowing.

Pisces ✧ 

Express gratitude for your “quality over quantity” ethos towards friendships this season, Pisces. Cheers those that have stuck with you through it all, and release the rest. Your tight-knit community is one for the record-books! It could also be a book that’s ready for a shakeup come December 29th, when Mercury stations retrograde in this area of your life. Be on the lookout for long lost friends reappearing and be open to reworking the structure that defines your community building. The Full Moon in Cancer on January 6th will have you shifting your focus to what you bring to the collective table. Is there a creative project you’ve been nurturing that’s ready to be revealed to the world? Whatever (or whomever) is circling your orbit now will bring lots of childlike joy to your life…lean into the wonders that feed your soul’s fire.

Erin River Sunday is the Lead Astrologer for Birthdate Co., you can find more info on her here

 A little more about Capricorn Season

Keywords: Boundaries, Maturity, Sustainability, Non-Fiction, Effort

  • Planetary/Luminary ruler: Saturn
  • Modality: Cardinal
  • Triplicity (Element): Earth
  • Symbol: The Sea Goat
  • Famous Archetypes: Timothée Chalamet, Dolly Parton, Michelle Obama, Denzel Washington

  • Capricorn people are literally the GOAT. On a constant quest towards the mountain’s peak, Capricorns teach us about hard work and dedication. Rather than an imaginative, idealized version of the future…Capricorns know what it takes day in and day out to realize our dreams.

    This season will have us all rising to the occasion- by putting in the practical effort and remembering that “no” is a full sentence. Diligence and a “slow and steady wins the race” mentality is the way to the finish line!

    Journal prompts to connect with Capricorn energy:

    1. Where am I putting in consistent effort over time? Why?
    2. When should I learn to say “no” more often in my life?
    3. Who embodies “boss” energy that I admire? How can I emulate those qualities?
    4. What is my relationship with boundaries?

    In addition to all the regular Capricorn season stuff, 2022/2023 features some specific standout moments…

    2022/2023 Capricorn Season Highlights

      • Wednesday, December 21st: Sun enters Capricorn 
      • Friday, December 23rd: Chiron stations direct
      • Friday, December 23rd: Capricorn New Moon
      • Thursday, December 29th: Mercury stations retrograde 
      • Monday, January 2nd: Venus enters Aquarius
      • Friday, January 6th: Full Moon in Cancer
      • Thursday, January 12th: Mars stations direct
      • Wednesday January 18th: Mercury stations direct
    If you'd like to dig a bit deeper and are familiar with your birth chart, check out which house Capricorn rules. That's where your energy will be focused throughout Capricorn season! And if you're unfamiliar with your chart but curious to learn more, we’ve got a book for that.

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