Virgo season horoscopes are here! Ruled by Mercury…we hope they’ll get you talking (and we love to hear what you have to say about Birthdate Co.!)
Virgo Season: August 23rd - September 22nd
Our Lead Astrologer, Erin River Sunday, writes these horoscopes based on your Sun and Rising/Ascendant sign. Don’t know your Rising Sign? The Birthdate Book can help!
Aries ✧
“Relax” is far from your middle name, Aries, and that’s especially true for you during this season. It’s great to focus on your health, just remember to give yourself wiggle room. Because of Mercury’s retrograde, you’re best served by reflecting on old habits rather than pushing ahead with new ones. When Mars, your ruling planet, enters Libra (your opposite sign) on August 27th, there could be some upsets in your one on one partnerships. You’ll have a lot of energy at your disposal in this area, so use it wisely. The Blue Moon on August 30th will once again ask you to retreat for a while, and heeding its call will serve you well. Something to celebrate arrives with Venus stationing direct on September 3rd, though, so circle it on your calendar! By the time Mercury is also moving forward on September 15th, you’ll be ready to take on the world with an entirely new game plan.
Taurus ✧
A secret amongst creatives is that it actually takes dedicated, daily habits to bring ideas to fruition. Block off time in your schedule for some writing this season…just don’t be surprised when what makes it onto the page isn’t at all what you expected! Mercury will be retrograde the majority of this Virgo season, inviting you to shake up your creative life. Whether it’s with your inner child or an external one, tap back into what makes you smile, just because. Your ruling planet, Venus, will station direct on September 3rd, which should make life feel much more in flow for you once again. You likely redecorated your home over the past couple months, and it will now be time to decide if you’re still in love with the furnishings. Celebrate the New Moon on September 14th by writing a love letter to your 10 year old self.
Gemini ✧
You’re quite the wordsmith, Gemini, but this season you’ll be getting reacquainted with one that rarely crosses your mind: homebody! Feather your nest and relax for a while. This restructuring of where your time is well spent is thanks to your ruling planet, Mercury. It’s hanging out in the home sector of your chart- activating the “Netflix and Chill” vibes to another level. While there could be a few annoyances (like the coffee machine breaking or Alexa acting up)- you tend to find hijinks like these amusing more than anything else. Venus stationing direct on September 3rd will bring stability back to your friendship circles and might have you wanting to attend a few parties in celebration. When Mercury also starts moving forward again on September 15th, your home will once again be a place that runs on a tight ship.
Cancer ✧
You’re focusing on your friends this season, Cancer, and plenty are reaching out to catch up. Just remember to fill your own cup before getting swept down memory lane. This is especially important during the window that Mercury is retrograde this season, as you might find the energy you have for your close friends is not at its peak. If you keep making plans that are falling through- take it as a sign to give that energy back to yourself instead. Your ruling luminary, the Moon, will experience a rare “Blue Moon” this season on August 30th. Take this lunation as a special opportunity to reflect on how much growth you’ve worked hard to attain over the past couple years. When both Venus and Mercury are direct again on September 15th, you’ll be primed and ready for reestablishing friendships that deeply align with your values.
Leo ✧
You benefit from going over your finances with your most beautiful fine tooth comb this season, Leo. Get curious about your values to ensure a balanced energy exchange. The reason for this deep dive originates with Mercury, asking you to re-evaluate where you’re investing your precious resources. The New Moon in Virgo on September 14th is an ultimate moment of manifestation. Write down specific numbers that you’d like to see in your bank account in the next six months, and feel into the value it would bring to your life. Because Venus is also finishing up a retrograde in your home sign, by the end of this season you will have an entirely new appreciation for showing up authentically and what you’re able to receive, from yourself and others, when you do so courageously.
Virgo ✧
It’s your season, Virgo, and it may be time for a refresh. Investing in yourself should always be at the top of your to-do list. Laugh off any snafus along the way, because you can trust that there will be plenty! Your ruling planet, Mercury, will be up to trouble as it’s retrograde the majority of your birthday season. Take this as a time to reimagine how you show up in the world- down to the clothes you wear and where you part your hair. The Full Moon, a Blue Moon, in your opposite sign on August 30th will place your focus on your partnerships. This area of life is blossoming for you, and this moment is one to celebrate how far you’ve come with your beloved by your side. The following New Moon in your home sign on September 14th will be a fresh beginning for all things you and should be honored as a divine moment for manifestation.
Libra ✧
While the public seems to always be calling, what if you realized fomo was all in your head? Your dream world can provide quiet respite this season and indulging it the next several weeks will encourage your inner wisdom to speak loud and clear. Rather than seeking external validation, you’ll be reminded how much is already within. Mars enters your home sign on August 27th, though, and you’ll be ready to take action physically, if nothing else. The next couple months will be especially strong for you in your human body. If you’ve been thinking about a new way to move through the world, literally, now’s the time to try it out. By the time Mercury and your ruling planet, Venus, are both direct on September 15th, the beauty you know and love about the world will return in full force. Buy yourself flowers!
Scorpio ✧
You’re ready to be out and about this season, Scorpio, but a few wires may get crossed when planning activities with friends. Your ruler, Mars, will enter Libra on August 27th, and have you starting a project quietly behind the scenes. Whether this is your next master work, or just some quiet meditation time, you’re leaning into solitude in a big way. Triple check that group text when it comes to your friends, because Mercury will be up to trouble until September 15th. Because Venus has also been retrograde since back in July, you’ve been doing a major deep-dive when it comes to all things publicity. How do you show up in the world and the communities you call “your people?” You’ve likely been revising how you want to be seen on the world stage. The New Moon in Virgo on September 14th offers a grand fresh start with these ponderings in mind, so use it wisely.
Sagittarius ✧
As adventurous as you are, Sagittarius, this season has you recommitting to life at the office. Remember that no journey is linear- even at work. It’s important to stay flexible, because Mercury will be retrograde for the majority of the season. Coupled with Venus taking a backspin through Leo, you’ve been revisiting ideas around travel and how you show up in the world at large. What have you learned about yourself and your life’s philosophies lately? Do you need to work from home so you can have more freedom to travel? Or maybe you’ve learned you like the structure that office life provides. No matter the fresh perspective, come the New Moon on September 14th, you’re ready to put it into practice. Mars will also be lighting up your community sector the next couple of months, so expect a busy fall with your favorite people.
Capricorn ✧
What old ideas are circling back to you this season, Capricorn? You might be on a sort of revision quest, picking up pieces of wisdom that missed you the first time around. This journey will continue through most of this season, as Mercury won’t station direct again until September 15th. Before that, though, there is a serious Blue Moon arriving on August 30th in Pisces, where your ruler, Saturn, is currently situated. This lunation will be an important one for patting yourself on the back. You’ve been working hard, and it’s time to acknowledge your persistence (at least once in a Blue Moon!). You’ve been navigating a few months of great change in your life, and by the end of this season- you’ll finally be starting to see the light. There are calmer waters for you ahead, and a clear path thanks to all the releasing you allowed. Onward!
Aquarius ✧
Closure rarely happens overnight, Aquarius, and you’re likely reviewing some past lessons. It’s ok to analyze what happened, but release happens when you feel it, too. This will be especially true while Mercury is retrograde this season. Things that you thought were a done deal might not be quite as over as you had hoped- there are conversations that need to be circled back to in order to move on once and for all. On a lighter note, Mars will move into Libra on August 27th, and you might decide to book a getaway. Even if it’s only in your mind for now, allow yourself to be carried away for a while when the going gets tough. When Venus stations direct on September 3rd in your opposite sign of Leo, you’ll be counting your lucky stars. Whatever relationship issues that you were navigating will begin to smooth out.
Pisces ✧
Pisceans and love are quite literally fish and water. You’re recentering your committed partnerships this season, but remember that you’re just one half of that cherished whole. Though Venus will finally station direct on September 3rd, Mercury will start to retrace its steps on August 23rd. And especially because this retrograde in your opposing sign of Virgo, relationship issues are likely to be a dime a dozen this season. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that everything is temporary. If you need a fresh start with your lover, the New Moon on September 14th is an opportune time to talk it out and manifest how you want your relationship to feel moving forward. You’ve likely incorporated some new habits in your daily life lately, and these will serve all your one on one partnerships as well.
Erin River Sunday is the Lead Astrologer for Birthdate Co., you can find more info on her here.
A little more about Virgo Season…
- Planetary/Luminary ruler: Mercury
- Modality: Mutable
- Triplicity (Element): Earth
- Symbol: The Virgin
- Famous Archetypes: Beyonce, Melissa McCarthy, Zendaya, Jack Black
Virgo, like Gemini, is ruled by Mercury, which makes this sign a phenomenal communicator. This season, though…Mercury will station retrograde on the same day the Sun enters Virgo.
Coupled with the remaining weeks of Venus’ retrograde, this signals a deep “reset” theme for this Virgo season. Luckily, this sign is phenomenal at improving anything and everything, and this season will be a true testament to the sign’s ability to integrate previous learning lessons.
Virgo is associated with the sixth house of the birth chart, relating to daily habits and health. Rather than getting carried away by fantasy, this is a deeply supportive time that values precision, organization, and practicality.
We’re all best served, now, by honoring our wellness. Taking practical steps to review how we both support others and are supported in return is the medicine of this Virgo season.
This Virgo season asks, “What have you learned…and what are you planning to do about it?”
Journal prompts to connect with Virgo energy:
- What structures in your life need to be revised to help you progress towards your dreams?
- How are you routinely taking care of your health?
- What conversations from the past still need to be unpacked?
In addition to all the regular Virgo season stuff, 2023 features some specific standout moments…
2023 Virgo Season Highlights
- Wednesday, August 23rd: Sun enters Virgo
- Wednesday, August 23rd: Mercury stations retrograde
- Sunday, August 27th: Mars enters Libra
- Monday, August 28th: Uranus stations retrograde
- Wednesday, August 30th: Full Moon at 7° Pisces
- Sunday, September 3rd: Venus stations direct
- Monday, September 4th: Jupiter stations retrograde
- Thursday, September 14th: New Moon at 21° Virgo
- Friday, September 15th: Mercury stations direct
If you'd like to dig a bit deeper and are familiar with your birth chart, check out which house Virgo rules. That's where your energy will be focused throughout Virgo season! And if you're unfamiliar with your chart but curious to learn more, we’ve got a book for that.

The Birthdate Candle
A candle crafted for the day you were born
We combined astrology, numerology, and tarot to create 365 beautiful candles — one for every birthdate. Each candle and has a fragrance carefully designed to enliven your spirit.