March 2023 New Moon: Dueling Beginnings
- SIGN: Aries
- PLANETARY RULER: Mars in Gemini
- DEGREE: 0°
- DATE: Tuesday, March 21st, 2023
- TIME: 1:23 PM EST
This New Moon is all about a fresh start…but on a deeper level, it’s about understanding fate’s role in our beginnings. That’s because this is only the first of two New Moons we have in Aries this year.
The ruler of this lunation is Mars in Gemini, so it suggests thinking about where we’d like to go next. It’s the logical brain that takes over here- so it’s a great time to think about where you’re headed next. But one month later, we’ll have another New Moon in Aries. That one is an eclipse (all about releasing control) and it’s ruled by Mars in Cancer.
These dueling New Moons in Aries will ask us to confront the logical approach to beginnings first, followed by a release of control to see what happens next! So make your plans for the year ahead now…but don’t be surprised if you’re asked to trust the Universe with some parts of the approaching unknown territory.
You can also make a note of the corresponding Aries Full Moon that will happen on August 30th, 2023. This is the time you’ll really see the seeds planted now coming into bloom.
The cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) will feel this New Moon most intensely.

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