Libra Season Horoscopes

Libra Season Horoscopes

Libra season horoscopes are here! Ruled by Venus…we love to hear what you’re loving at Birthdate Co.!

Libra Season: September 23 - October 22

Our Resident Astrologer, Erin, writes these horoscopes based on your Sun and Rising/Ascendant sign. Don’t know your Rising Sign? The Birthdate Book can help!

Aries ✧ 

This season gives you the opportunity to listen to your opposition, Aries. September 25th brings a New Moon in Libra and is the ultimate time to honor the partnerships in your life. By making a plan of attack to move forward together, newfound balance can be achieved. Rather than exploding, pause and witness how much love committed partnerships bring to your life. By October 9th Mercury will be direct and there’s a Full Moon in your home sign. While you’ve spent several weeks focusing on the people around you- take this moment to relish in your own splendor. 

 Taurus ✧

You’re working hard, Taurus, but the daily grind is looking pretty beautiful this season. The New Moon in Libra on September 25th will likely bring a fresh start to your life. Take a moment to inspect your daily routines and decide to take care of yourself better than ever before. Rather than sitting idle, write a pro-con list to weigh your options for moving ahead. Mercury enters Libra on October 10th, and you will continue to double down on the work front. Your routines should be working for you, not the other way around.

Gemini ✧ 

Creativity is flowing for you this season, Gemini, so rather than speaking aimlessly, treat communication like an artform. Especially within your romantic life, there’s playfulness in the air. Who do you enjoy it with? You don’t have to choose, but there might be one specific paramour that keeps catching your eye. When Venus enters Libra on September 29th, there’s a chance for love to truly blossom. When Mercury stations direct a few days later, you’ll be back to regularly scheduled programming. Feel yourself coming back into balance, and celebrate the friends that’ve had your back.

Cancer ✧ 

You know that home is where the heart is more than anyone else, Cancer, and this season confirms it. There’s a new beginning happening on the homefront around September 25th and it asks you to decide what people have the possibility of feeling like home. While these relationships might not be fully actualized yet, the seeds are being planted now. When Venus enters Libra a few days later, you’re likely to begin several weeks of feathering your nest. You’ll feel most comforted by committed partnerships, and maybe by buying some new furnishings! Cocoon yourself with your chosen family. 

Leo ✧ 

There are things that only you can say this season, Leo, but try making someone else the hero of the story. Venus enters Libra on September 29th and this is a golden opportunity to show how much you appreciate your friends…which is sometimes as simple as just showing up. You will have the gift of gab this season and are likely to be fielding lots of invites for activities around town. Attend the ones that align with your values, and graciously pass on the rest. The Full Moon in Aries on October 9th could find you traveling someplace…or else reflecting on the things you’ve learned through people different than yourself. Notice how you’re being transported.

Virgo ✧ 

Your mind is on your money this season, Virgo. Balancing your checkbook is not only good for your wallet, but for discovering what you truly value. The Libra New Moon on September 25th highlights possibilities for future financial success. While you won’t necessarily see your bank account grow right now, you’re starting a journey that will bring rewards. October 9th shifts your focus from your resources to those you share with others. Maybe you’re paying off a loan, or some other support system makes itself known. Accept the help and release the rest.

Libra ✧ 

This season is all about you, Libra, and it’s time to be a little selfish. Instead of always aiming to please, honor your independent ideas- and treat yourself to something nice! Despite any desire to switch up your look around September 25th, it would be better to wait until the first week of October. Once Mercury is direct and Venus is in your home sign…you’re unstoppable! You’ll be more charming than ever the next few weeks and by October 9th, you might be celebrating all the love that surrounds you with someone special.

Scorpio ✧ 

Rebirth is part of your DNA, Scorpio, and this season is the cocoon phase. Despite the fact that our culture tells us to be go, go, go and always on the move…we intuitively know better. Rest deeply over the coming weeks and you’ll be glad you did, because Eclipse season (in your home sign!) is just around the corner. While you’re taking time for yourself, notice what you’re discovering about the partnerships in your life- it will be time for a decision soon. The Full Moon in Aries on October 9th will be a nice distraction from all your internal work. Something is culminating in your daily life. 

Sagittarius ✧ 

It’s time for you to reconnect with your communities, Sagittarius. You’re often on the go, but this season will highlight how going the distance within a group can pay off. Venus enters Libra on September 29th and it’s likely to bring extra sweetness to your circles. Have you made a new friend you’re curious about? Take some time to get to know them and you will see your own values reflected. The Full Moon in Aries on October 9th brings a culmination in your creative and romantic life. Notice how independent expression makes you feel more alive. 

Capricorn ✧ 

They say you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar, Capricorn, and that sentiment will ring true this season. Embrace an empathetic approach at work and especially around the first week of October, you’re likely to see the choice pay off handsomely. While you’re mostly caught up in the public sphere this season, balance is important. Notice how life at home influences your performance on the job, and vice versa. October 9th will highlight your root systems and force you to step away from the endless emails, at least temporarily.

Aquarius ✧ 

If anyone can go the distance this season, Aquarius, it’s you! If you’re headed out on a new adventure, consider bringing a partner along for double the fun. September 25th might have you pondering your belief systems and deciding it’s time to reboot them. When funds begin to float your way in early October, take it as a sign to further your education. Whether physically traveling or intellectually, you stand to learn a lot from your support systems. The Full Moon in Aries (Oct. 9) will bring you back closer to home- an old friend might be in touch. 

Pisces ✧ 

Support is coming to you from all directions this season, Pisces. The important thing to remember about help, though, is that there shouldn’t be expectations attached. You're likely to be on the receiving end over the coming weeks, but that doesn’t mean you're indebted forever. Find closure where it’s needed and thank the people that keep you well resourced through life’s transitions. Come October 9th, the support that’s kept you afloat will illuminate ways you can pay it forward. Do so graciously, and on your own accord.

Erin River Sunday is the Resident Astrologer for Birthdate Co., you can find more info on her here

A little more about Libra Season

Keywords: Balance, Beauty, Harmony, Love

  • Planetary/Luminary ruler: Venus
  • Modality: Cardinal
  • Triplicity (Element): Air
  • Symbol: The Scales 
  • Famous Archetypes: Kim Kardashian, Donald Glover, Bella Hadid, Gwyneth Paltrow


Libra requires a mirror. A Libra in love is the first to say: “I’ve found my other half” and more than anyone else, deeply believes the sentiment to be true. Alone, the greatest potential is only partially realized.


Libra is ruled by Venus (Venus also rules Taurus, so there are some similarities between the signs) and is preoccupied with Venusian affairs, with love and beauty heralding most pursuits. Balance is also integral to happiness, often arriving with a sacrifice of individual preferences in order to maintain, or create, peace.


Libra is of the air triplicity, so knowledge is power. Homeostasis is achieved when thoughts and ideas are verified by another and interwoven into the curated Libran lexicon. 


Libra season, above all, asks us to prioritize the harmonics of two. Coinciding with the fall equinox, donning extra layers mimics the reliance on outside forces to bring us home to ourselves.


There is a refreshed validity to pairs of all kinds at this time. Emphasis should be paid to flowing communication within partnership and seeking truth despite heightened levels of conflict with the impending Mars retrograde.


Libra is associated with the seventh house of the birth chart, all about relating to others, specifically our committed partnerships. Rather than being selfish, it’s a deeply supportive sign that values harmony, intellectualizing, and love! 


During Libra season, it’s time to walk a mile in someone else’s (likely, designer!) shoes.


Journal prompts to connect with Libra energy:

  1. What is my aesthetic and why?
  2. Who brings balance to my life?
  3. How do I stand up for myself?
  4. When do I feel most beautiful?


In addition to all the regular Libra season stuff, 2022 features some specific standout moments…


2022 Libra Season Highlights

    • Thursday, September 22nd: Sun enters Libra
    • Friday, September 23rd: Mercury Rx enters Virgo
    • Sunday, September 25th: New Moon in Libra
    • Thursday, September 29th: Venus enters Libra
    • Sunday, October 2nd: Mercury stations direct
    • Saturday, October 8th: Pluto stations direct
    • Sunday, October 9th: Full Moon in Aries
    • Monday, October 10th: Mercury enters Libra

If you'd like to dig a bit deeper and are familiar with your birth chart, check out which house Libra rules. That's where your energy will be focused throughout Libra season! And if you're unfamiliar with your chart but curious to learn more, we’ve got a book for that.

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