SIGN: Capricorn
PLANETARY RULER: Saturn in Pisces
DATE: Thursday, January 11th, 2024
New Moons are a time to initiate manifestation. This is a moment to plant seeds.
Capricorn energy, at its best, is a diligent worker that intuitively knows how to get the job done. This is welcomed energy as the first New Moon of 2024 and will provide a sturdy life raft in the swirling waters of the year ahead.
The ruler of this New Moon is Saturn in Pisces, and it’s trine Uranus in Taurus and sextile Neptune in Pisces. Translation? This is an especially supportive moment to take practical steps towards revolutionizing your dreams. Write down what you want to work on diligently this year– bonus points if it’s groundbreaking or disrupts the status quo in some way, and commit to showing up for it steadily over the coming months.
It’s also helpful to make a note of the corresponding Capricorn Full Moon that will happen on June 21st, 2024. Whatever seeds you’re deciding to plant now will reach a new point of growth in their life cycle around that time.
The cardinal signs– Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, and Libra, will feel this New Moon most intensely.
- What do I want to see grow the most in my life over the next six months?
- How do boundaries support the work I’m putting into the world?
- When do I feel the most productive? Why?

The Birthdate Candle
A candle crafted for the day you were born
We combined astrology, numerology, and tarot to create 365 beautiful candles — one for every birthdate. Each candle and has a fragrance carefully designed to enliven your spirit.