Gemini season horoscopes are here! Ruled by Mercury…we hope they’ll get you talking (and we love to hear what you have to say about our products, too!!)
Our Lead Astrologer, Erin River Sunday, writes these horoscopes based on your Sun and Rising/Ascendant sign. Don’t know your Rising Sign? The Birthdate Book can help!
Aries ✧
Friendship is taking center stage for you this season, Aries. The group chat is likely to be on fire and as ever, you’re leading the charge. With the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 3rd, you might find your travel plans coming full circle. Perhaps you’re flying somewhere new, or just returning from some far-flung adventures. Whatever the lunation brings, it should have nice things to say for your finances! Venus entering Leo on June 5th is the other big moment of this season. Because of an upcoming retrograde, it will highlight your creativity and romantic life for the next four months. Get ready for an especially flirty summer!
Taurus ✧
Your luck is about to change, Taurus…big time! This season, and for the next year, your personal finances are receiving a major boost. While your mind will mostly be on your personal security, on June 3rd you might be witnessing what your partner brings to the table. And if you’re not in a committed relationship, notice where you’re receiving support from others. You could see a raise around this time, or else another moment of deep healing. Venus will then enter Leo on June 5th, staying for the next several months. For you, this could translate as an extreme makeover: home edition! You’re preparing to have an especially beautiful summer at home.
Gemini ✧
This season is all about YOU Gemini, and you wouldn’t want it any other way. Relish in the attention and lean into whatever tickles your fancy. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 3rd will highlight your one on one partnerships. Something is reaching a culmination point between you and your beloved. If you’re single, stay on the lookout for potential suitors around this date, as it’s a lunation full of luck in love for you! You always seem to be a person about town…but once Venus enters Leo on June 5th, you could have a very busy few months ahead with your closest friends. By June 18th, the season will close with a New Moon in your home sign. Make it count!
Cancer ✧
Your dreams are going to be more communicative than ever this season, Cancer. Pay attention to the insights that come when you aren’t actively seeking them out…and know that it’s a time you might need some extra solitude to recharge. If you’ve been honing in on a new routine the past six months, June 3rd could have you celebrating the hard work that’s paid off. And there will be more celebrating to do shortly after, including the funds to keep the party going, when Venus enters Leo on June 5th. Your focus is shifting to acquiring beautiful things, and the magical part is, they’ll be seeking you out, too. Enjoy the gifts that find their way to you and know that you deserve it.
Leo ✧
It’s peak social season for you, Leo, and no one can dull your shine. Notice how those you care about most have the ability to reflect your light. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 3rd will have you getting in touch with your inner-child. You might have a creative project coming full circle around this time, or even enjoy a romantic date night with someone special. Love is in the air for you this season especially beginning on June 5th, when Venus will enter your home sign. Because of an upcoming retrograde, it will spend an extended period in your good graces, and bring all manner of accolades your way. The hardest part, perhaps, could be discernment.
Virgo ✧
While others might be ready for a summer vacation, Virgo, this season has you busy at work. Continue to chase the mental pursuits that keep you wanting more. The Full Moon in Sagittarius will remind you to keep the balance, though, as something at home comes full circle. If you’ve been spending too much time at the office, June 3rd would be a good time to ensure your priorities are still aligned at home. June 5th will echo this reset time for you, as Venus enters Leo and introspection becomes the name of your game. You’ll be appreciating more time alone over the coming months, and might have a passion project you’re working on behind the scenes.
Libra ✧
Distant lands are calling this season, Libra. Are you picking up the phone? If you do, you’ll be able to get curious about the offers to expand your horizons popping up left and right. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 3rd will connect you with at least a few of those friends from near and far. Notice what tales of their adventures are managing to stir up in you. Shortly after, Venus will enter Leo and you’ll be making even more connections. You’re everyone’s favorite friend right now and the opportunities to experience pleasure within your communities will be sweet all summer long. Remember that you’re the company you keep.
Scorpio ✧
Discussing endings is not the same as feeling them, Scorpio, and this season is set to remind you of that. Allowing certain doors to close will seem to magically open others. The Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives on June 3rd and you might just be receiving a boost in your finances! Stay on the lookout for payoffs that began about 6 months previously, as they’re now coming due. Venus enters Leo a couple days later, and your public roles will be especially…public for the next several months! Now is the time to celebrate what you truly love about the work that you do. When you feel it, others will want to take part in the magic, too.
Sagittarius ✧
Partnerships are the name of the game for you now, Sagittarius, and the goal is finding the people who can keep up. Hold your own weight and your other half will too. The biggest moment of the season for you arrives on June 3rd, when we welcome a Full Moon in your home sign. Notice how you’ve grown into yourself in new ways over the past 6 months, and in turn, how that growth influences your committed relationships. On June 5th, Venus enters Leo and your appetite for travel increases tenfold. Whether you have a trip planned overseas or are just craving an escape in your mind, relish in transporting yourself over the coming months.
Capricorn ✧
If you want to help others, Capricorn, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Prioritize your health this season and you’ll thank yourself in the future. The Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 3rd will highlight your need to retreat and recharge- so pay attention to what comes up in solitude. Your dreams might be especially active around this time, and taking care of yourself physically will set you up to realize them in the 3D. Venus enters Leo on June 5th where it will remain for the next several months. For you, this initiates a period of beautiful healing. While it isn’t always easy, the people in your corner want to show you how nice their support can truly feel.
Aquarius ✧
While you’re not always keen to be the center of attention, Aquarius, this season has you wanting to shine your creative light. Don’t be afraid to embrace your inner-child. When the Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives on June 3rd, your attention will shift from your personal artistic endeavors to those that you share with your community. See if you can notice how the two inform each other. Venus enters Leo just a couple days later, on June 5th, where it will remain for a grand total of 4 months. This is your one on one partnership sector, so prepare for things in coupledom to get a whole lot sweeter. Who needs alone time when you’ve found your perfect match?
Pisces ✧
Home is where the heart is, Pisces, and this season wants to prove it to you. Cozy up at home and invite a few friends over to swim in the vibes. The Full Moon in Sagittarius will be a momentary shift away from the comforts of home, though, as something brings your attention to your public roles. Perhaps you’re launching something you’re excited about, or even up for a promotion at work. Venus enters Leo on June 5th, and your daily habits will receive an injection of love. What routines could you soften, that will actually make you a stronger person? A little honey always helps the medicine go down, afterall.
Erin River Sunday is the Lead Astrologer for Birthdate Co., you can connect with Erin directly here.
A little more about Gemini season…
Keywords: Wit, Curiosity, Friendship, Intellect
- Planetary ruler: Mercury
- Modality: Mutable
- Triplicity (Element): Air
- Symbol: The twins
- Famous Archetypes: Angelina Jolie, Prince, John F. Kennedy, Bob Dylan
Gemini energy is the sign of the twins, and there’s a duality present within Gemini that’s impossible to miss. While Libra is known for balance, Gemini seems to vacillate back and forth between each side. It’s also the first sign of the “air” element, so conversations are a dime a dozen during this season. The trick (and oh, there WILL be tricks…) is deciding which ones are worth your energy.
Gemini is curious to a fault, witty, and very intellectual. This is not emotional terrain...we’re in games of the mind now.
What do you THINK about that? Have you read that article? Prove your point! Wait...did your point change? Everyone is buzzing and chats like this will be the norm over the coming weeks. If you have a lot of air in your natal chart, this will feel invigorating. If not, you could be overwhelmed by how much your phone is buzzing!
Remember that every conversation you’re invited to is not a conversation you must entertain.
Journal prompts to connect with Gemini energy:
- What are you learning about that excites you right now?
- Who are the friends that are always there when you need them?
- When do you feel overstimulated? How do you relax your mind?
In addition to all the regular Gemini season stuff, 2023 features some specific standout moments…
2023 Gemini Season Highlights
- Sunday, May 21st: Sun enters Gemini
- Thursday, June 1st: Jupiter conjunct North Node
- Saturday, June 3rd: Full Moon in Sagittarius
- Monday, June 5th: Venus enters Leo
- Sunday, June 11th: Pluto Retrograde enters Capricorn
- Sunday, June 11th: Mercury enters Gemini
- Saturday, June 17th: Saturn Retrograde
- Sunday, June 18th: New Moon in Gemini
If you'd like to dig a bit deeper and are familiar with your birth chart, check out which house Gemini rules. That's where your energy will be focused throughout Gemini season! And if you're unfamiliar with your chart but curious to learn more, we’ve got a book for that.

The Birthdate Book
A fully personalized, beautiful, and unique reading of your birth chart
A beautiful, made-to-order book that illustrates your unique astrological birth chart. Uncover the secrets and guiding forces of your personality based on the details of your birthdate.