Cancer season horoscopes are here! Ruled by the Moon…we hope they’ll make you feel extra cozy (and we love to hear how Birthdate Co. fits in with you at home!)
Cancer Season: June 21st - July 22nd
Our Lead Astrologer, Erin River Sunday, writes these horoscopes based on your Sun and Rising/Ascendant sign. Don’t know your Rising Sign? The Birthdate Book can help!
Aries ✧
It’s time to reconnect with your roots this season, Aries. While your “comfort zone” isn’t always something to indulge in, you know how to make your home a comfortable nest. Come July 3rd, though, you’ll be asked to ensure that you still have a stable work-life balance. All that time preoccupied with family, and those that feel like it, will benefit from this momentary reprieve. Trust that the Full Moon in Capricorn will illuminate boundaries that only serve to strengthen the bonds you’re cultivating. On July 17th, we meet a New Moon in Cancer as the North Node enters your home sign. This shift signals an upcoming year and a half of great strength for you.
Taurus ✧
You’re intuitive about your friendships, Taurus, and this season will have you leaning into them. Trust your gut and prepare for new beginnings within your inner circle. Especially once Mercury joins this area of your chart on June 26th, you could be very busy with your local community- notice how you reflect those around you. The biggest news this month, though, is on July 17th. There will be a New Moon in Cancer, once again highlighting the way you communicate with your near and dear, as the North Node enters Aries. You’re being invited to embark on a spiritual journey over the next 18 months…the collective unconscious awaits.
Gemini ✧
What you value doesn’t have to be a fixed, or finite, resource, Gemini. This season you’re being reminded to go with the flow when it comes to your finances. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 3rd will provide additional perspective around the support you receive from others. It’s not all about the money you bring in on your own accord, but how the people you’re committed to provide security, too. When July 17th rolls around, you’ll be ready for a couple (your favorite!) of fresh starts. With the Cancer New Moon, you’re set to learn that money is simply energy…and with the North Node entering Aries, you’re moving towards your ideal communities.
Cancer ✧
Happy birthday season, Cancer! You’re likely to be especially “in your feels” over the coming weeks. Trust your intuition about where you want to go next, specifically come June 26th. Mercury will enter your home sign on this date, and your feelings could get jumbled. If your mind starts to confuse things, come back to your body and what it’s telling you. The Capricorn Full Moon in your opposite sign on July 3rd will pull focus to your partnerships and how they act as your ultimate mirrors. It’s a good omen for the relationships that act as solid containers for your feelings. The New Moon in your home sign arrives on July 17th, coupled with the North Node entering Aries. You’re ready to stand up for yourself in entirely new ways.
Leo ✧
Attention follows wherever you go, Leo, but this season is about shining that spotlight on your inner world. Especially come June 26th, you could be receiving loud and clear messages from the subconscious realm. Pay close attention to your dreams and notice the intuitive signs. The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3rd will turn this dreamstate on its head- asking you to integrate your deeper knowing with real world action. Then finally, the end of the season finishes with a bang. The Cancer New Moon arrives on July 17th, alongside the North Node entering Aries. Both of these moments mark a commencement of deep exploration. Relish in some sacred alone time; wisdom awaits.
Virgo ✧
“Community” is definitely a buzzword these days…but what does it really mean to you, Virgo? This season asks you to connect with the groups that feel like home. Mercury will take a quick spin through this area of your chart come June 26th, and you might be voicing your opinion to the collective. The Capricorn Full Moon a week later will remind you that your individuality also deserves its place on the stage. Allow your inner child to be a voice in the room! By the time the Cancer New Moon arrives on July 17th, you’re ready to be truly transformed. The organizations your part of will be integral to your North Node in Aries rebirth.
Libra ✧
Are you baking cookies for the office again, Libra? This season is all about how nurturing is intrinsically connected to how you show up in the world. Just remember that being vulnerable, especially once Mercury enters Cancer on June 26th, includes speaking up for your own needs. The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3rd will pull your focus back to your root systems, reminding you that it’s easier to show up for others when your foundations are stable. The grand finale of the season arrives on July 17th, with both a New Moon in Cancer and the North Node entering Aries (thus the South Node entering your home sign). Be ready for partnerships that help you feel truly seen.
Scorpio ✧
It’s time for a trip to the nearest body of water, Scorpio, and don’t be afraid to shed a few tears. You’re ready to adventure through the emotional planes this season. When Mercury enters Cancer on June 26th, your emotions might encourage you to delve into a new wisdom tradition. The following few weeks are ideal for library visits and discovering new spirituality podcasts. And this is just the beginning, because on July 17th the North Node enters Aries on the same day as a Cancer New Moon. You’re ready for an entirely new journey, and your daily routines and rituals are ready to transform to help you get there.
Sagittarius ✧
This season is about endings for you, Sagittarius, which is really just about letting go. Remember that moving on isn’t the same thing as forgetting the past. When Mercury enters Cancer on June 26th, it’s an ideal time to talk (and cry!) it out with a therapist, or reflect on some old journal entries. Communication will be key in transmuting your past wounds. The Cancer New Moon on July 17th is encouraging this transformational path, and reminding you to stand in your power while you walk it. With the North Node entering Aries on the same day, the next 18 months are set to be a crash course in reconnecting with your creativity, and acknowledging it as healing medicine.
Capricorn ✧
Partnerships take center stage for you this season, Capricorn, and you can’t be serious about anyone without an emotional connection. Honor your feelings, and theirs. And when Mercury enters Cancer on June 26th…talk it out. Your default setting is less direct within partnerships, but this astrology wants you to name what’s going on in your mind- not just your heart. Processing together earlier in the season will serve you, because come July 17th, you’re ready for a fresh beginning. Whether it’s a current relationship or an entirely new one, the North Node enters Aries on the same day and wants you to take action around your most meaningful foundations.
Aquarius ✧
Your day to day life is set to be emotional this season, Aquarius, which isn’t your default setting. However, the Universe is asking that you rise to the occasion and lean into your feelings, especially come June 26th. Rather than relying on your intellect alone, ask yourself how your heart and your head can work together to make both thoughtful and intuitive decisions. This task will be especially supportive come July 17th when we have both a New Moon in Cancer and the North Node entering Aries. Your friends will be a critical tool for you when it comes to resetting your emotional landscape from 9-5. Lean into their listening ears.
Pisces ✧
Creativity is the name of the game for you this season, Pisces, and you’re emotionally invested in the outcome. Whether this life force energy looks like parenting fur babies, your art projects, human children, or all of the above…your nurturing ways are in high demand. Come June 26th, you might be ready to express your desires in a new way- especially if your own needs have been left unmet. A New Moon in Cancer arrives on July 17th, and it’s an ideal time to tap into your inner child and any unprocessed history that needs to be expressed. The North Node enters Aries on the same day, asking you to take charge of your finances, and understand their connection to your self-worth.
Erin River Sunday is the Lead Astrologer for Birthdate Co., you can find more info on her here.
A little more about Cancer Season…
Keywords: Mothering, Emotional, Sensitive, Intuitive, Nostalgic
- Planetary/Luminary ruler: The Moon
- Modality: Cardinal
- Triplicity (Element): Water
- Symbol: The Crab
- Famous Archetypes: Meryl Streep, Ariana Grande, Kevin Hart, Tom Hanks
We celebrate the Summer Solstice every year on June 21st, and astrologically, we celebrate the first day of Cancer Season. Cancer is the FIRST water sign. While its energy is known for being a bit passive-aggressive (Cancer people hate to hurt anyone’s feelings), never doubt that as a Cardinal sign, they’re some of the hardest working people out there.
Cancer is the great cosmic Mother. These are our pack leaders who intuitively know what everyone needs and can take care of others in profoundly psychic ways. The drama can happen when they forget to show themselves the same level of care.
Cancer is associated with the fourth house of the birth chart, relating to the home and ancestral roots. Rather than the attention being directed outward, it’s a deep, cathartic flow into the subterranean foundations of the soul.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which is all about sensitive emotions and hidden realms. Like the Moon, Cancer people tend to shy away from the bright lights, preferring the protective comfort of their private home life.
This season asks us to get into our feels and acknowledge who and what makes us feel held. It's a time to trust our guts, literally and figuratively, and remember that reparenting ourselves requires unpacking emotional baggage.
Journal prompts to connect with Cancer energy:
- What structures help you feel most held?
- How do you tap into your intuition on a regular basis, and if you don’t, how might you try?
- Who in your life makes you feel like the most comfortable version of yourself? Why?
- What does the word “family” mean to you?
2023 Cancer Season Highlights
- Wednesday, June 21st: Sun enters Cancer + Summer Solstice
- Monday, June 26th: Mercury enters Cancer
- Friday, June 30th: Neptune stations Retrograde
- Monday, July 3rd: 11° Capricorn Full Moon
- Monday, July 10th: Mars enters Virgo
- Tuesday, July 11th: Mercury enters Leo
- Monday, July 17th: 24° Cancer New Moon
- Monday, July 17th: North Node enters Aries
- Saturday, July 22nd: Venus stations Retrograde
If you'd like to dig a bit deeper and are familiar with your birth chart, check out which house Cancer rules. That's where your energy will be focused throughout Cancer Season! And if you're unfamiliar with your chart but curious to learn more, we’ve got a book for that.

The Birthdate Candle
A candle crafted for the day you were born
We combined astrology, numerology, and tarot to create 365 beautiful candles — one for every birthdate. Each candle and has a fragrance carefully designed to enliven your spirit.