Leo Compatibility

    Leo Compatibility

    While astrology is much deeper than Sun signs alone, there are general traits that each sign possesses that make them more or less likely to get along with each other. And in honor of Leo season, we’ve gone through the compatibility of Leo energy with each of the 12 signs.

    Leo energy, at its best, is the ultimate entertainer. They love to perform and wear their hearts on their sleeve for all to witness. This is a vulnerable position for anyone, though, and while they may try to come off tough– they can have their pride wounded easily. They like to show off their partners and buy them lavish gifts, and appreciate the same adoration in return (in fact…they demand it!).

    Leos love to be the star of the show and whether it’s their conscious decision or not…the spotlight tends to find them in dramatic ways! They appreciate partners that will loyally be on their team as they work on creative endeavors and need someone that can encourage them when their ego inevitably gets hurt.

    To love a Leo is to enjoy the warmth of the Sun. While you might be in a support role, how sweet it is to be in the sunshine. Going through life with a Leo lends a little sparkle to everything and to feel their appreciation warms the soul.

    Read on to learn all about Leo compatibility, whether romantic, familial, or platonic.

    Our lead astrologer, Erin River Sunday, wrote these general compatibility horoscopes. Connect with Erin directly here.

    ✧ Leo and Aries

    While they come from the same element of fire, Leo won’t appreciate Aries’ hard headedness or propensity for misfires. Leo cares a lot about appearances and wanting to make a good, lasting impression…while Aries is a lot more reckless. They’re both passionate, but challenge each other by both wanting to be the one in charge.


    ✧ Leo and Taurus 

    While Taurus isn’t nearly as dramatic as Leo, they’re beautiful and committed…and Leo deeply appreciates those qualities. Taurus will fawn over Leo and enjoy creative pursuits with them while never stealing their shine.


    ✧ Leo and Gemini

    Gemini recognizes star quality in Leo and knows they can have fun together no matter what they do. In Leo, Gemini sees a partner that spells “Power Couple” in big, twinkling lights. These two amuse each other and the relationship will be full of laughs and spilling the tea!


    ✧ Leo and Cancer

    Leo is ruled by the Sun, and Cancer is ruled by the Moon. While very different, Leo appreciates Cancer’s ability to reflect their shine. Leo will be intrigued by Cancer’s many mysteries and might find them becoming an alluring muse. Both signs also appreciate the family unit, with a soft spot in their heart for children. 


    ✧ Leo and Leo 

    The most compatible traits for Leo energy are confidence, creativity, and loyalty and paired with another Leo…they see those traits mirrored to them. That could be a good thing– or it could cause major DRAMA. Both will need to be mature and confident in their own abilities so they’re not threatened by the other’s star power.


    ✧ Leo and Virgo

    Leo is ruled by the Sun, and Virgo is ruled by Mercury. These two don’t move through the world in the same way– and might be frustrated by what the other prioritizes. If Leo can be open to intellectual conversations, and stay organized, they could teach each other a lot.


    ✧ Leo and Libra

    Leo will appreciate Libra’s beauty, but ultimately be frustrated by their desire to please everyone and treat them equally. Leo wants to be treated like royalty and separated from the rest of Libra’s lovers. 


    ✧ Leo and Scorpio

    These two make an interesting match, and if they can get over their stubbornness they have the opportunity to really appreciate each other. They’re both of the “fixed” modality, so they will appreciate the loyal behaviors they share. It’s important that they have similar interests or there will be battles of the will.


    ✧ Leo and Sagittarius

    These two make a great match. They’re both fire signs and appreciate each other’s passionate natures. Leo likes to be the star and Sagittarius is always ready for an adventure– they compliment each other nicely and will never be bored.


    ✧ Leo and Capricorn

    Leo’s want to be admired and remembered, and so do Capricorns. While they approach this goal in different ways, Leo will appreciate the legacy building strengths of Capricorn and trust that they can build an impenetrable reputation as a pair.


    ✧ Leo and Aquarius

    Leo is Aquarius’ opposite sign and while they have a lot of differences, if they can meet in the middle, they’re quite attracted to each other. They’re both inherently creative and appreciate being popular amongst the crowd…they just garner attention through different means.


    ✧ Leo and Pisces

    Leo is likely to be frustrated by Pisces lack of commitment and highly emotional ways. Leo likes long-term plans driven by passion, while Pisces goes with the flow and is more changeable. While they appreciate each other’s creativity, it can be hard for them to align long-term.


    Our lead astrologer, Erin River Sunday, wrote these general compatibility horoscopes. Connect with Erin directly here.

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