October 14th New Moon Eclipse in Libra: Fated Release

    SIGN: Libra

    ELEMENT: Air

    PLANETARY RULER: Venus in Virgo

    DEGREE: 21°

    DATE: Saturday, October 14th, 2023

    TIME: 1:55 PM EST

    • This New Moon, like all New Moons, has an air of initiation…but because it’s also an eclipse, its energy is much more intense than usual- and not one for traditional manifestation work!

    • As this New Moon is at the South Node, there’s something familiar here, which might also be felt as a comfort zone. But instead of leaning into it, we’re being challenged to move in the other direction. This could look like a beginning around something that we need to release, even if it makes us a bit uncomfortable to do so.

    • Because this is Libra + Venus energy we’re talking about, it’s likely wrapped up in relationship dynamics. If you notice a lot of breakup gossip floating around at this point in the month, don’t be surprised! But remember, this is the very FIRST Libra eclipse in the Aries/Libra series that we’ll experience until 2025. That means that this is only the beginning of a story here…and it will continue to unfold throughout all of next year.

    • Make a note of the following Libra Full Moon Eclipse on March 25th, 2024 to really see this energy in a bigger, bolder light.

    • The cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) will feel this New Moon most intensely.


    • What’s feeling uncomfortable yet necessary in your life right now?
    • How can you release your outdated beliefs around beauty?
    • When was the last time you stood up for yourself in a partnership?

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