SIGN: Sagittarius
PLANETARY RULER: Jupiter in Taurus
DATE: Saturday, June 3rd, 2023
TIME: 11:42 PM EST
June’s Full Moon in Sagittarius is also known as the “Strawberry Moon” as it's around this time that the abundance of Spring is ripe for the picking and the summer harvest is just around the corner!
Astrologically, Full Moons are a moment of surrender and release. This is not a time for manifestation, but a chance to reap what you’ve sown the past six months in the Sagittarius area of your birth chart—and especially because it’s ruled by Jupiter, there will be a lot to review.
Sagittarius energy, at its best, knows how to see the big picture. And with this Full Moon being ruled by Jupiter in Taurus, it could be witnessing the brush strokes we’ve painted financially. Notice where abundance tends to find you.
2023’s Full Moon in Sagittarius is also about the empowerment of the divine feminine that can be found within all of us. The Moon is making a sextile aspect to Black Moon Lilith, suggesting that some of the deeper desires we hope to receive will come to light.
Think back to the corresponding Sagittarius New Moon that happened back on November 23rd, 2022. You might notice themes that began last fall now culminating. The mutable signs (Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces) will feel this Full Moon most intensely.
- What was the best adventure I went on in the past 6 months? Why?
- How can I zoom out from a current problem and see the bigger picture?
- When do I feel the most secure?

The Birthdate Candle
A candle crafted for the day you were born
We combined astrology, numerology, and tarot to create 365 beautiful candles — one for every birthdate. Each candle and has a fragrance carefully designed to enliven your spirit.